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Sunday...That Happens to be Easter

Being an Agnostic household, we don't actually celebrate Easter.  Not in the traditional sense at least.  On occasion we have attended brunches when invited, we even did an Easter egg hunt last year as part of a family get together.  But we did it the weekend before since other family members had real Easter plans.  Friday night when I was putting my kids to bed, my older son, asked me how many days until Easter.  When I told him two, he squealed with glee.  I was a bit apprehensive only because I was worried he was expecting something from the Easter bunny.  But when I asked him why, it turned out he was excited for an egg hunt.  An egg hunt I could handle, in fact it would be good for the kids.  Anything to pull them away from the television, right?
Since I had exhausted my supply of plastic eggs (translation: I had thrown them out) I needed to run down to Target on Saturday and buy some more.  But then after I got home from the gym, I decided to wash and detail not only my car, but my husband's car as well.  When I was  done, I was in desperate need of a shower and then decided to just put pajamas on since it was so late and figured I would just hit the store on Sunday.

Now for Sunday, we had decided to take advantage of all the churchgoers and hit the Zoo in Seattle early before it got crowded.  I convinced my husband to drive us in his shiny new car.  Even though the boys have ridden in his car before, they were still oohing and ahhing over.  They asked about the handles above the door.  My husband SWEARS he was thinking the word shoot.  But what he said was, "Those are the Oh, Shit handles."  My head whips around to him.  "Oh, shoot handles," he says, "those are the oh, shoot handles."  How long do we have to wait until that comes back to bite us in the ass?  I mean in the behind.

We made it to the zoo, and we were right to get there early.  Hardly anyone was there at ten, but when we left just after one,tickets the line for insane.  We stopped at Target on the way home and discovered that they were closed for Easter.  I made sure to check the night before if the zoo was open, but I didn't think to check Target.  Time for plan B.  We stopped at Safeway by our house.  They were open and had chocolate candies, but still no plastic eggs.  In the end I ended up just hiding the individual candies sans plastic eggs that I was going to regret buying anyways.

All in all it was a good Sunday that happen to be Easter Sunday.  It was a warm spring day, perfect for spending it with the family at the zoo.  But next year when the holiday gets ready to roll around again, I will have to remember to see what my kids expectations are and not be the idiot on Easter Sunday asking the store associate if they have any plastic eggs left.


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