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Inspiration and other stuff

Blogspot has made some changes, not sure if I like them, but that may just be because I haven't figured out how to navigate it yet.  Also, I tried to get to the site by simply entering the address in the bar, but it was slow to load.  Actually it's still trying to load as I write this.  So I decided to just google it and click on the link.  Have no idea why, but sometimes this helps.  But on the first page for a search on "blogspot" there was no link to the actual website.  Then I tried "" and still the website was not listed!  I finally tried Bing and got lucky.  It really should not have been that hard.


So inspiration struck again at such a random moment.  I was walking my son home from school when we were passed by a guy carrying another student on his shoulders.  It was raining and she was wearing a sweatshirt that I am guessing was his since it was way too big and he was now in a short sleeve t-shirt.  I imagined she had forgotten a jacket and hadn't planned on walking home in the rain.  I thought "What an awesome dad...Or uncle."  And the thought of that being her uncle suddenly inspired the premise for a book.  I'll have to remember to make some notes.  Maybe it will be my NaNoWriMo (National November Writing Month) story this year.

In other writing news, I have begun a major overhaul of my only completed novel.  To the point where I'm just cut and pasting the parts that I am keeping.  But I feel good about it, I know it's what my story needs.  Thought I am beginning to think that will never actually be DONE with it, this is actually the second major overhaul.  But it really does get better each time so it's worth it.


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