Two parts to this post: First, what do I really expect to achieve with this blog? I'm beginning to think it is another form of procrastination. Think back to my last post about procastinating versus just being lazy. If I'm blogging on here, then I'm doing something that involves writing. But it gives me less time to do actual writing, as in the kind that might get me published. I haven't written any more on my sci-fi short story since Monday, however I managed to watch the highlights of the People's Choice Awards. Perhaps I feel that if people enjoy reading this, then they might enjoy other things that I have written. Seeing as how nobody is reading this, that part isn't going top well for me just yet. But I will continue to write on here because every writer has a blog, right? I promise it won't be all about writing though, that would just get boring. If I ever end up with any followers, I might actually...
A little bit of this, a little bit of that.