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Own It!

That's what some of my friends have been telling me to do.  When telling people what I do, tell them that I am a writer.  Own it!  Well now that I'm a finalist in a contest (finally!), I'm finding it that much easier to do so.

On Thursday I chaperoned for my son's field trip and at lunch found myself sitting next to his teacher who I really like.  At one point she asked if I worked and I explained that I'm at home, but I'm a writer.  Just like that I said, "I'm a writer."  I told her that I'm still trying to get published, but I did recently final in a contest.  I feel like that gives me more credential, as in "no, I'm not published yet, but it's not because my writing stinks."

Mrs. T seemed excited to discover that I was a writer, even if my books aren't in print...yet.

So that's right people, I'm a writer!  It's what I do, even if I'm still waiting on a paycheck.  It's what I will always do.
