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My first GSRWA Meeting

First of all, I would like to start by saying that I am going to make (yet another) effort to keep up with this blog.  And I'm even going to share it with people!  I really need to get the word out that I have a blog, but before I do that, I need a couple more decent posts for people to read.  Including this tale about my first Greater Seattle Romance Writers' of America (GSRWA) meeting.

Last year I joined Eastside RWA and just recently decided to join GSRWA as well to take advantage of their awesome resources.  This Saturday was my first opportunity to attend a meeting as well as the last meeting before the summer break.  I wasn't too excited about driving all the way up to Shoreline on a Saturday morning, but I really wanted to make an appearance soon while my name was fresh in their minds from the welcome messages.

My goal was to leave by nine-thirty giving me an hour to get to the library.  Plenty of time.  Except that I took too long getting ready (imagine that) and didn't make it out the door until ten.  The GPS said I should be there by 10:34.  Only a couple minutes late, I could handle that.  By the time I get there I have to pee, but I want to get into the meeting room before I'm too much later so I decide to wait for a lull.  The topic is copyright law and literary agreements.  It didn't sound all that appealing to me, but it ended up being really interesting and I didn't want to miss any of it.  (Oh, and did I mention the lawyer presenting was really cute!)  So now I'm glancing at the clock hoping that twelve thirty comes soon and I can go to the bathroom.    But I'm trying to do it when the presenter is not looking at the audience so he doesn't think I find him dreadfully boring.

Finally it's done!  But before I run off, I want to know where they are meeting for lunch.  Something called "Sparrows" has been mentioned, but as I'm not familiar with the Shoreline area, I have no idea where that is.  I asked the woman sitting next to me, but it turns out she is new and this is her first meeting as well.  I introduced myself and shook her hand, but it doesn't sound like she's planning on joining the lunch crowd.  I toss my bag under a table and head to the bathroom at last.  Sometimes
it's amazing how much liquid my bladder can hold.  And how slowly it wants to come out.  It is now me and one other person in the bathroom with the only sound being the slow trickling coming from my stall.  Once the other woman leaves I force myself to stop so I can wash my hands and get out of there.  Back in the meeting room I grab my bag and spot the woman who made sure I signed in when I arrived and had mentioned this "Sparrows" place.  But there are three other ladies waiting to talk to her and I'm feeling awkward.  I decide to go out to the car and see if I can't find it on the GPS.  If not, I will just go home and hope for better luck next time.

The closest thing I can find is Spiros about a mile away.  I figure I will try it and see if there is anyone there from the meeting.  After missing it because the GPS told me it was on the right side of Aurora when in fact it was on the left side, I finally end up in the parking lot.  There aren't many vehicles in the parking lot which immediately has me doubting my decision.  While keeping me eye on the front door, I'm pulling up Google maps on my phone trying to see what other restaurants may be in the area with a similar area.  I don't find anything and have decided to give up.  I start the car, put it in reverse, and NOW I see someone I recognize.  I can now walk into the restaurant confident that I am where I am supposed to be.

Lunch itself was ok.  The food was 'eh.  Pretty sure that nothing is homemade there.  I manage to work myself into conversations and everyone was very nice.  I was kind of surprised that not asked my name or offer theirs, but not a big deal.  Then as the server is calling out names to hand back the credit cards, the woman next to me says, "You're Jolene?" 
"Yes," I answer.
"What's your last name?"
"I-R-O-N-S Irons?"
"I'm C.J.!"
I have to confess that name did not ring a single bell.  But I didn't want to let her know.  So I lit my face up and said, "Oh, yeah!  Hi!"  But I'm pretty sure I wasn't convincing enough. 
I left shortly after, but I made sure to turn to C.J. and tell her it was good meeting her and that I would be seeing her soon.  I figured maybe she was one of the people who personally welcomed me to the group, but when I got home and checked the threads, I couldn't find her name anywhere so I'm still confused.
All in all, I'm glad I made the trek to Shoreline for the meeting and I'm excited to spend more time with this group.
What I did not enjoy was the drive home where traffic was so bad it took me an hour to drive ten miles down I-5.  And of course I forgot to use the bathroom before I left the restaurant.


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