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As of today I have a whopping 45 Twitter Followers.  I'm pretty excited seeing as how I've never actually asked anyone to follow me.  This whole thing has been a bit of an experiment for me in social networking.  But it occurred to me that some of these followers, especially the fellow writers, may actually stop at my blog since I have it posted on my Twitter profile.  Sadly they will find it lacking.  Unfortunately I haven't had many opportunities to get on my laptop so I've been using those precious moments to work on my novel.  I managed to snag one 10 minute appointment each with an agent and an editor at the RWA Conference in Anaheim so I want to make sure it is well polished.  Part of my reason (OK, maybe the main reason) for doing this blog and the twitter account is that I would like to create a ready set audience for when I am published either through a large publishing house or self-publishing.  My youngest son is starting Kindergarten in the fall and my goal is that when he starts First grade in the following fall, I will be earning some sort of income from my writing.  If not, then it's off to work I go at a job that I will surely be unhappy with.  I truly believe that I will get out of my writing career what I put into it.  The trick is putting into it what I want out of it which includes keeping up with this blog so people can get an idea of my writing abilities.  I plan to start posting writing examples at some point to really give people a taste.
 But if you'll excuse me, I have to go tend to the laundry now.  I promise not to stay away as long this time.


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