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And the winner is...

Me!  It's me!  My manuscript, Island Runaway, was the winner in the Single Title Contemporary category for the Chicago-North RWA Fire & Ice contest! If you thought being a finalist boosted my confidence, this recent news has made me feel like a rockstar!  I received the news almost a week ago, but I've been in overdrive tweaking the entire work to make it that much better and starting on a short story to enter in another contest while I'm still feeling unstoppable and am just now posting the news on twitter and here. So now the plan is to self-publish sometime in October if I don't land any deals before then.  I don't honestly expect to, but then I also didn't expect to win the Fire & Ice contest so you never know.  Either way, I really need to start working on marketing myself including my web presence including here and spending more time on twitter.  You wouldn't really think it would be that hard, would you. In other news, last month I...
Recent posts

Own It!

That's what some of my friends have been telling me to do.  When telling people what I do, tell them that I am a writer.  Own it!  Well now that I'm a finalist in a contest (finally!), I'm finding it that much easier to do so. On Thursday I chaperoned for my son's field trip and at lunch found myself sitting next to his teacher who I really like.  At one point she asked if I worked and I explained that I'm at home, but I'm a writer.  Just like that I said, " I'm a writer. "  I told her that I'm still trying to get published, but I did recently final in a contest.  I feel like that gives me more credential, as in "no, I'm not published yet, but it's not because my writing stinks." Mrs. T seemed excited to discover that I was a writer, even if my books aren't in print...yet. So that's right people, I'm a writer!  It's what I do, even if I'm still waiting on a paycheck.  It's what I will always do.

Wine & Taxes

Friday night we went out with another couple that we have known for over a decade. The husband, B, has worked with my husband almost as long as my hubby has been with the company so naturally they end up talking a lot of shop. In an effort to steer the conversation, I told him about my recent good news (contest finalist) and after congratulating me he asked what I would get if I won. Bob and I laughed when we told him it was only $30, but I explained that counted as income which meant that I would be able to deduct expenses such as conference fees and printing out my manuscripts for beta readers. He then started to attempt to educate me on just how much I should claim to keep me within certain tax brackets. Seeing as I was on my second glass of wine, this was all going right over my head. My lovely husband finally cut him off and said "Let's just focus on the word income right now. We'll worry about the rest later." He's as excited as I am in his own way....

FIre & Ice Finalist

I'm a finalist!  Woo Hoo!  I have finally reached the finals in a contest.  To date I have entered my current finished work, Island Runaway, in five contests.  The first three were not finalists, but today I heard back from the Fire & Ice contest put on by the Chicago North RWA and I have advanced to the final round.  I gave out an audible gasp in the dealership waiting area when I read the email.  I even had to read it twice to make sure I wasn't missing the word not in the phrase "you are a finalist."  So now that I've made it to this point in the contest, what does that mean.  As a finalist I will get a certificate and a mention in the RWR, the monthly magazine put out by the national RWA.  It gets my name out there.  If I win, I get all of $30 (my entry fee was $20).  But again, it gets my name out there and perhaps in front of just the people I need to get me published.  IF nothing else, this accolade gives me more...

My first GSRWA Meeting

First of all, I would like to start by saying that I am going to make (yet another) effort to keep up with this blog.  And I'm even going to share it with people!  I really need to get the word out that I have a blog, but before I do that, I need a couple more decent posts for people to read.  Including this tale about my first Greater Seattle Romance Writers' of America (GSRWA) meeting. Last year I joined Eastside RWA and just recently decided to join GSRWA as well to take advantage of their awesome resources.  This Saturday was my first opportunity to attend a meeting as well as the last meeting before the summer break.  I wasn't too excited about driving all the way up to Shoreline on a Saturday morning, but I really wanted to make an appearance soon while my name was fresh in their minds from the welcome messages. My goal was to leave by nine-thirty giving me an hour to get to the library.  Plenty of time.  Except that I took too long getting r...


I have found myself home with no errands to run, the house is somewhat clean, and I still have almost two hours before I pick up the kids so I figured this was the perfect opportunity to post something.  Yay me!! My last post was about National November Writing Month, fondly known as NaNoWriMo.  It is an opportunity to sit down and write like a crazy person.  You have the entire month of November, thirty days, to write 50,000 words.  By the end of it you have either a rough draft of a novel, or at least the start of one.  And it's not only 'writers' who participate.  Perhaps you have a story in you that you just wanted to get out on paper, see where it takes you. I first participated in 2010 where after coming down with a cold followed by strep throat and then an extended trip to Portland for Thanksgiving, I managed to get just over 32,000 words.  While I was disappointed to have not made it across the finish line, I was excited that I had hammered...

A Blogger I Am Not

I have a confession... I'm not a very good blogger. I realize you are probably gasping with shock right now. Wait, that would require me to have followers for anyone to be shocked. And why don't I have any followers? Because I'm not a very good blogger. It's not even that I don't like to blog. I feel like I have a lot to say and would love to share my thoughts with anyone who is foolish enough, I mean willing to listen. The problem is that my brilliant ideas always come to me at the most inconvenient moments such as while I'm driving or out running. By the time I get access to a device, I'm too lazy to revisit my idea. Although perhaps that is a sign that it wasn't so bright after all. But being the Golden Social Age that it is, blogging is an excellent way to connect with people and build an audience for my yet to be published works. That and Twitter. Which I am also not really on top of. Obviously I need to be approaching this as a job. ...