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Showing posts from July, 2012

Fake it 'til You Make It

Well, the conference is over and this is the first chance I have had for a new post now that we are in a hotel with free wi-fi since I am such a cheapskate (at times). On Saturday I had an editor pitch and later an agent pitch. When I had signed up for the appointments back in May, I had to be quick about it so as I didn't see any publishers I was familiar with, I had to do a quick search on-line to make sure that they published my genre; contemporary/women's fiction. Fast forward to the night before my appointment and I finally do the homework on the specific editor and discovered that she was the only editor who did not cover my genre. Damn it. So on a whim I decided to pitch a book that was her genre that I had in the works. I wrote the pitch minutes before walking in. She asked me questions and I answered them best I could. She asked me what the word count was and I said 60K which was a downright lie. The truth was that it was only 30K and what I did have I had de

I Have Arrived!

...At the RWA 2012 Conference in Anaheim that is.  I have a half hour left on the hour of in-room wi-fi I purchased so I decided to use it for a new post.  I bought that single hour of wi-fi because after the orientation meeting tonight, I realized that I really should have brought business cards down with me.  I had intended to.  But I procrastinated and then the day before when I still hadn't gotten around to it I decided it wouldn't be that big of a deal.  Boy was I wrong.  I managed to come back to my room with three cards after a single one hour meeting, but I felt stupid handing out strips of paper with my info.  So I purchased that hour of internet so I could go online and order my very own cards.  Unfortunately I won't have them for tomorrow as they won't be ready until later in the day, but I will have them on hand for Friday and even more importantly, for Saturday when I have my agent and publisher appointments. Other than feeling like a loser for not bringin

Fireworks! Ugh.

I'm not a big fan of fireworks, but most of the time I don't mind them. When it's a well done large production, I sometimes enjoy them. Especially if it's done to music. I love music. But when they are being shot off in the neighborhood at one a.m. on a Sunday night/Monday morning that isn't the 4th of July, I loathe them. Wait, it's not the fireworks I loathe, it's the idiots who think it's perfectly ok to shoot them off at this hour in an urban area. It is the same every year starting about a week before the Independence Day holiday. I get self-conscious if my dogs start howling between the hours of nine pm and nine am. I'm still a little embarrassed if they do it during the day, but as long as it isn't going on for too long, I know it's not really bothering anyone. I just wished everyone in my neighborhood shared my view of this common courtesy. Just because you don't have to be up at five am to go it work doesn't mean no

New Toy Put To Good Use

It's been over a month since my last post, not as long since the one before that, but still not good for a supposed blogger. However, we just got an iPad recently and it finally occurred to me to look for a blogging app and as you can see I found one! Perhaps now I will write more without being glued to a computer. Not much to else to say, but I am excited that I will be more productive with my iPad now instead of just using it for Pinterest.