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Showing posts from December, 2012


I have found myself home with no errands to run, the house is somewhat clean, and I still have almost two hours before I pick up the kids so I figured this was the perfect opportunity to post something.  Yay me!! My last post was about National November Writing Month, fondly known as NaNoWriMo.  It is an opportunity to sit down and write like a crazy person.  You have the entire month of November, thirty days, to write 50,000 words.  By the end of it you have either a rough draft of a novel, or at least the start of one.  And it's not only 'writers' who participate.  Perhaps you have a story in you that you just wanted to get out on paper, see where it takes you. I first participated in 2010 where after coming down with a cold followed by strep throat and then an extended trip to Portland for Thanksgiving, I managed to get just over 32,000 words.  While I was disappointed to have not made it across the finish line, I was excited that I had hammered out that much.  I eve